Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sat, March 2, 2008 - 1st Year Anniversary Reunion

(L to R, Back to Front): Ava Lu, Lily May, Emma, Ava, Avery, Bridgitte, Zoe, Eliana, Caitlyn, Grayson, Allison (we "adopted" her family from G121P who traveled after us because they have such a tiny group), Isabelle (the famous wanderer, a rare photo of her in the group--and as you can see, she's about to take off!), and Malia.

It was one year ago that Groups 114, 119P and 120P officially became parents to our adoptive children from China. Can't believe it's been an entire year! It feels really good that we've had Emma now longer than she's been without us. We had the reunion at Steve and Angel's church in Cupertino. It was potluck (we had great food!) and the kids had a load of fun getting reacquainted with each other and spending the afternoon playing while the parents got caught up. Of course we had the requisite group photos (never an easy task to get the kids to sit still! Isabelle is a notorious wanderer--I love all the photos I have of Cindy chasing her down). It was wonderful seeing everyone again! We all reminisced and relived the most incredible 2 weeks of our lives in China: Gotcha Day, Norman and the wonderful USAA team, sightseeing in China, the pizza party, the farewell banquet, and the continuing bonding process with our little ones. We compared notes on how our babies were adjusting over the last year and all felt so fortunate that our children were all healthy and doing so well. An absolutely amazing incredible journey and a monumental milestone.

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